Fully automatic packaging system for deep-frozen products


This bagging system has been specially developed for filling, sealing and palletizing frozen products in Tyvek® bags. An automated robot inserts the bags into a pallet box. The system meets the highest hygiene requirements as it is completely foamed and washed down. The robot is wrapped in a protective cover and the conveyor technology and machine parts are largely hygienically designed.


Video on Youtube

 Facts about the bagging unit

  • 2 magazines for uninterrupted production

  • Label printer with applicator

  • Filling station with integrated scales (hanging filling) 

  • Sealing station for sealing the bag

Products/ modules used
==vorbereiten== ==entleeren== ==dosieren== ==abfuellen== ==verschliessen== ==foerdern== ==komponenten== ==spezialanwendungen==

==chemie== ==pharma==
Execution according to
==logo-ce== ==logo-ex== ==logo-fda== ==logo-gxp== ==logo-oiml==
Place of use
Remo Imoberdorf    Simon Brantschen